Thursday, 10 January 2013



What is a business?

Businesses are activities that provide goods and/or services in exchange for money or
other goods and services.
A variety of businesses contribute to our local economy.

These include:
  1. Designing (buildings, gardens, paths, posters, etc.) 
  2. Manufacturing or producing (goods like clothing or furniture, or parts of goods-to be used by others to make complete goods, such as processing paper to make books) 
  3. Supply and distribution (moving goods from producer to client) 
  4. Selling (retailing – buying from a producer or another intermediary business and selling to the consumer, or wholesaling – buying from a business and selling to other retailers or repair businesses) 
  5. Installing (fitting or connecting the product to the customer’s home or business) 
  6. Repairing (restoring broken or defective goods to working order) 
  7. Service industries (tourism, information and communication services, leisure activities, etc.).

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